Silk Visualisations

This is a free service for visualising output files produced by the Silk Link Discovery Framework.

Please select a file to import.

• Files must be in Alignment format.
• You can upload multiple files simultaneously    (however there is a 6 file limit).
• There is a 1 MB size restriction on uploaded files.
This bar chart enables the user to view and compare the quantity of matches and confidence scores between multiple output files.
Shows the ratio of shared matches between the selected files to independent matches occurring in each file. A typical use-case would be seeing how changing the similarity metric (e.g., from Jaro-Winkler to Levenshtein) could affect the output.
This scatterplot shows how the confidence scores of matches that occur in both jobs have changed between runs. Points along the diagonal indicate that the confidence scores of shared matches have not changed between runs. Clusters that appear outside of the diagonal demonstrate whether scores tend to increase or decrease between runs.

First select one or two files (click on the file names above), then click 'Render chart' to view their data in the canvas.

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